Tuesday, May 21, 2013

We're in Hawaii! Day 3

So, I might as well start off with something before I go get ready for music class(mom's idea to sign me up). In music class, there's the teacher, Miss Chansey. She's the phantom with a tiara in the photo. She has her ways of getting us to listen. Fred, the gecko, is a bit creepy. I perfer to stay away from him. Tirtouga, the turtle has a nice voice, but sadly, she's a girl... Buneary has this thing on her hind leg which she calls her "cutie mark". Pepsi is a weird penguin, he always wears "Go-Goggles", and he likes to drink coke, despite his name. Scootie, the hamster, seems to has a bit of a disorder. She is always forgetful, and likes to be called Dinky. Seems a bit derpy to me... Lastly, there's Hector. He's a HUGE pokemon fan, just like me! And he also has a little brother, which he refers to a his "little bother". I kinda like this guy... Umm.. as a FRIEND!! N-NOT LOVEY DOVEY- Ok, ok, I like-like him. Oh! I have to go... umm... so... enjoy this class photo I took earlier.
Me, Hector, Scootie(Dinky), Buneary, Pepsi, Fred, Tirtouga, and Miss Chansey

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