
Hey, so this is a page with stories in it and stuff. Enjoy!


  Once there was a Snow Leopard named Storm Frost. He lived with a clan of Snow Leopards. Storm Frost was the leader of his clan, and as his name tells, he was fierce leopard with dark gray fur, and bright yellow spots, and he lived with his wife, Frost Pelt. Frost Pelt was a beautiful leopard with bright white fur, and light blue spots. One night, there was a fierce blizzard, so the snow leopards gathered into a cave, waiting for the storm to pass. Sadly, the storm went on for days. Storm Frost's assistant, Snow Storm, went out to check the weather to see how long it would be until it passes. Later, Snow Storm returned. "I fear that the storm won't pass for 12 days," he announced. Winterblossom spoke up. "12 days? How will we ever find food?" she asked. "I'll do it," replied Frosteyes, the main hunter, who could resist anything from 100 hits of any attack, to damage from a storm, of falling object. Later that night, Frost Pelt gave birth. 
Two cubs were born.
The female cub, named Snowy Paw, had aqua blue and red fur, with black spots, and she liked to frolic and make drawings in the snow. The male cub, Frostbite, was completely different, though. Frostbite had dark grey fur and pure white spots, and he liked to play rough and hunt with Frosteyes. One winter night, Snowy Paw awoke to a strange sound… She looked around, then realized she was under her mother's tail. She sneaked out, then saw it.
She had no Idea what it was, though. She slowly walked up to it, and gave it a friendly smile.
The phantom had shocked her. Snowy Paw had a painful night… Slowly… She felt the electricity run through her… Each jolt more painful then the last…
 It was a long night.
The next day, Frost Pelt discovered the injury on Snowy Paw, and took her to the one leopard that made the best potions,Shining Waters. She made potions of healing, and other things better than Cosmo, the koala alpha.  But before she could heal Snowy Paw, another phantom arose. The phantom stole the potion, then teleported away.
"Wha- What just happened…? Asked Frost Pelt. "It again…" Mumbled Snowy Paw. "What?" Asked Frost Pelt and Shining Waters in unison. Snowy Paw then explained.
"Last night, I heard a noise, so I peeked out mother's tail. It was a black creature with tentacles. It looked friendly, so I went and tried to shake paws, or tentacles, but then it shocked me."
The two adult leopards stared in confusion.

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