Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New kids and something dazzling and brilliant?

Hey, so I woke up, and my mom's email was on the computer, and something came up and said:
Ooh! I wonder what it is!! Anyway, at school... some new kids came in at Science Class.
From left to right, Tamara the phantom, Tiaria the tiger, Fruitcake the horse, Pansy the panda, Rosebug the wolf, and Kip. Kip is the only new BOY. The others are girls and call themselves the "Teen Gurl Squad", well Fruitcake isn't in it, though. John, the swag panda, seems intrested in Pansy. Hmm...
Anyway, This is the picture of science class with the new kids in it.
Then at lunch, everyone got to hear a bit of story about where each kid was from.
Tamara was from a place called the Nether. Just like Tarantula! Maybe they're from minecraft...
Tiaria, apparently, doesn't talk much. All she ever says is "Pfft,".
Fruitcake is from Sweetland, obviously, SHE HAS A STRAWBERRY ON HER HEAD!!
Rosebug is from Petalburg, where every animal there is half-bug... Weird...
Pansy is from Tiarawhy, a strange place with... Rather unspeakable activity... Eww...
Kip is from Coral Canyons, just like me! Turns out he lives 1 block away!
So, that's all! Bye!

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