Saturday, May 18, 2013

More story

So, the house was bigger now, but the swimming pool was gone... now we're left with Strped Pelt's baby pool... The good thing is the house is bigger... So, I went to see my room, but when I walked through Striped Pelt's room, mom bought HER a Shake it up Jamaa doll! The one I always DREAMED OF!! Rocky's outfit from episode 25! UGH. I'm so jealous right now...

I padded off to my room, and THANK ZIOS my Iphone was there. Yes, it's an Iphone, not an Ipad. And texted my old friend Snowy paw, who lives in Mt.Shiveer.

 Then we had dinner. It was Spaghetti and meatballs, my favorite!
Then mom and dad had to go to an adult thingy at some office in Township, which is quite far from our home, coral canyons. Since i'm only 13, I'm not ready to babysit Striped Pelt. So, mom called Mrs. Fairchild, an elderly panda who lives a few blocks away. She came in, wearing the usual. A fox hat, a spirit glove, a heart blanket, and a lollipop necklace.
Then, dad called and said mom is having a baby. Stripey and I(stripey is my little sister's nickname)
His name is lucky. What a cute name. AND he's a boy.Things should get interesting...
Dad said that he had to go to Sarepia to go hunting. Seems legit, since he's a wolf...
Mom told me to look after Stripey while she feeds Lucky. But I'm TERRIBLE for that. Stripey got into EVERYONE'S CLOSET and came out like this...
Wearing mom's wedding tiara, dad's tuxedo, my glove, AND Lucky's wreath necklace. Typical. Then she started taking random instruments and screaming some "hello song". Then mom and I went shopping, and I got the CUTEST beret and some rockin' cool headphones there.
 Mom says we're going on vacation tomorrow, but I don't know where yet. I'll just have to find out tomorrow...

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