Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wind amulet

Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The new item is the Wind amulet...
(Picture from Snowyclaw's blog...) This looks like some sort of shell... Eh, I'm not gonna buy that thing... I spent my last 3 diamonds on a pet monkey before they went bye-bye. Eh, today I got a Gold Chain Necklace by trading a golden bow o-o
Not "Old Chain Necklace"! GOLD chain necklace! Lol screenshot fail.
Oh, and I bet AJHQ made the Giant Gumball machine to actually bring back the BETA gumball machine, but disquised it so no one would be upset :P
Today's random pic is my current amount of gems...
Nah, kidding, but boy am I rich o-o
The pic is something in Gravity Falls. If you don't know what Gravity Falls is, then watch Disney Channel or something.
Seriously, this guy scares me...
Bye Jammers! 1 buddy slot left... one... more.. left...

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