Monday, August 26, 2013


So, yeah, I came back a while ago, but school has been happening =3=
Today's rare is the Rare Nerd Glasses! My friend Madison(mwest94916) got these last week from the adventure o3o
Yep. Pictures again! Woot!
Now, I'm too lazy to post the past update... And I have to do homework soon...
That rare is hypnotizing o-o
ANYWAY, that new adventure... Meet Cosmo... HE'S SO CUTE!!
But what a bland name for a big adventure... I did a LONG video on it(THE VIDEO IS ALMOST 30 MINUTES O_O).
Yeah, enough of my blabbing. Bye Jammers! Have Ender Spark comfort you :D
Ender Spark is one of MY MLP characters based on my Minecraft character. Any use of this Ender Pony MUST be approved by me, and ME only.
Minecraft belongs to Mojang, My Little Pony belongs to Lauren Faust(Or Hasbro, Hasbro works), Animal Jam belongs to SmartBomb, and Glasses belong to whoever invented Glasses.

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