Monday, February 18, 2013

Rude Jammer and RIM

So, a few things today,so here is a list...
1.amy22212: I was in coral canyons when she said:"animal jam stinks bye". I chose to report her and block her before she left. If AJ stinks to her, then why JOIN AJ???? People like this.... UGH. Anyway,moving on...
2. Rare Item Monday:Today's RIM is a rare firefighter hat. It- wait... ANOTHER RECOLOR?!?!?!? This RIM is a PURPLE firefighter hat... Really, AJ? The Rare Arctic Hood was legit. You can't find it anymore. Still, i got the RIM because, y'know, it's RARE. Ok, moving on.
3.Glitches:I will be posting glitches i find around Jamaa so, stay tuned!

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