Monday, February 25, 2013


Ok, I was at paradise party. Since I finished the Journey book, I Wandered around, enjoying the music. Then, I saw this girl named Miss Chunkybuddy. Does she have a crush on Mister Chunkybuddy? I asked her, and she stammered and told me to get out of her face. Kinda rude... But I saw her When Mister Chunkybuddy was on and she was staring at him with the hearts icon! For a second when i told her  I knew Mister because i was a follower on her blog she sent me repetetive buddy requests. When she told me to get out, she un-buddied me. Really weird... I mean, LOOK AT THE PICTURE!! SAME COLORS AND STUFF!! Oops, Caps lock... Anyway, Bye Jammers!

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