Monday, September 16, 2013

Rare police hat

Hey jammers! Business... And there was an Open house at my school today... sorry...
So, today's rare item is the rare police hat! Odd colors, I must say....
So, yeah, there's been something going on in the adventures...
That's a bit too small, don't ya think? Silly AJ...
So, I logged in to find THIS in a Jam a Gram.
Thank you, monsterhighfoxlover, also known as Ally, the AWESOMEST gal in the world, along with mwest94916, or Madison :3 Ally had to trade all her rares for this. Don't worry, Ally, we still have the adventures, Sky High, and lucky trading :D
Oh, and the cake from the code.... When you click the hot cocoa hut, a little penguin slides down then FAILS into the water. Ha ha, get it? Fails, falls, eh?
Ugh, forget my terrible pun.
Pretty cute :D
So, yeah, that's all. Bye Jammers! And don't forget...

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