Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rare item monday

Pokeponylover here. Sorry for the late post, but Diamond-Tiara Bot attacked me.
Nah, kidding school got in the way...
 Anyway, free account made by a friend. Her user is Sacmandhackme095. The password is Wolfie.
Also, a glitch happened in Best Dressed. When it's time to vote, an animal was completely black, and you couldn't vote for it.
The rare item, daaiyahsims voluntered(how ever you spell that) to model it.
Anyway, rare item monday was a rare ninja mask.
Scamandhackme095's animal

 Best Dressed glitch. Look at the koala next to the wolf next to me.
daaiyahsims modeling the rare ninja mask.
Diamond-Tiara bot ready to attack me

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